Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Umur Ratu Elizabeth 2 boleh saja uzur tapi dia tidak kolot. Ratu baru saja merestui RUU Pernikahan Gay meski umat beragama protes. Rabu ini, Ratu Elizabeth secara simbolik membubuhkan stempel kerajaan pada RUU Pernikahan Gay. Artinya, RUU itu siap disahkan. Sebelumnya, RUU Gay itu sudah lolos parlemen Inggris. Mentri Kesetaraan dan Wanita - Maria Miller - berkata pernikahan gay yg pertama di Inggris akan berlangsung musim panas 2014.

RUU itu menyatakan:
* Gay boleh menikah dengan upacara sipil
* Gay boleh menikah di depan Tuhan (di rumah ibadah)
* Pihak rumah ibadah boleh menolak menikahkan gay dan akan dilindungi dari tuntutan hukum
* Gay yg sudah ber-civil union, boleh meng-upgrade hubungan mereka jadi pernikahan
* Pasangan yg sudah menikah boleh mengganti gender secara hukum tanpa memutuskan hubungan pernikahan

Maria Miller berkata "Pernikahan adalah fondasi komunitas. Di Inggris, tak peduli apa seksualitasnya, siapa saja bebas berkomitmen. Ini pencapaian hebat. Dengan membebaskan pernikahan untuk semua pasangan (termasuk gay) menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Inggris menghargai semua individu (termasuk gay). Dan mendemonstrasikan pentingnya hak untuk hidup bebas. Inilah komunitas Inggris dan inilah komunitas yg kta inginkan semua."

Graphic: Gov.uk
The Act, which applies to England and Wales, will:
- allow same sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies
- allow same sex couples to marry in religious ceremonies, where the religious organisation has ‘opted in’ to conduct such ceremonies and the minister of religion agrees
- protect those religious organisations and their representatives who don’t wish to conduct marriages of same sex couples from successful legal challenge
- enable civil partners to convert their partnership to a marriage, if they wish
- enable married individuals to change their legal gender without having to end their marriage
Women and Equalities Minister, Maria Miller said: "Marriage is the bedrock of our society and now irrespective of sexuality everyone in British society can make that commitment. It is a wonderful achievement and whilst this legislation may be about marriage, its impact is so much wider. Making marriage available to all couples demonstrates our society’s respect for all individuals regardless of their sexuality. It demonstrates the importance we attach to being able to live freely. It says so much about the society that we are and the society that we want to live in."
- See more at: http://www.fridae.asia/newsfeatures/2013/07/18/12371.same-sex-marriage-officially-legal-in-the-uk#sthash.MfkPwoze.dpuf
ritain on Wednesday legalised same-sex marriage after Queen Elizabeth II symbolically gave her royal stamp of approval, clearing the way for the first same-sex weddings next year.
Introduced by the government in January, the bill to legalise same-sex marriage in England and Wales was given royal assent one day after it cleared Parliament on Tuesday.
Women and Equalities Minister Maria Miller also announced that the first same sex wedding could take place by as early as summer 2014.

Graphic: Gov.uk
The Act, which applies to England and Wales, will:
- allow same sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies
- allow same sex couples to marry in religious ceremonies, where the religious organisation has ‘opted in’ to conduct such ceremonies and the minister of religion agrees
- protect those religious organisations and their representatives who don’t wish to conduct marriages of same sex couples from successful legal challenge
- enable civil partners to convert their partnership to a marriage, if they wish
- enable married individuals to change their legal gender without having to end their marriage
Women and Equalities Minister, Maria Miller said: "Marriage is the bedrock of our society and now irrespective of sexuality everyone in British society can make that commitment. It is a wonderful achievement and whilst this legislation may be about marriage, its impact is so much wider. Making marriage available to all couples demonstrates our society’s respect for all individuals regardless of their sexuality. It demonstrates the importance we attach to being able to live freely. It says so much about the society that we are and the society that we want to live in."
- See more at: http://www.fridae.asia/newsfeatures/2013/07/18/12371.same-sex-marriage-officially-legal-in-the-uk#sthash.MfkPwoze.dpuf

Ratu Elizabeth 2 RESTUI Pernikahan Gay!

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